Balance the mobile to move and click on Naya to make her jump.
Catch all coins and kill all enemies by burning, throwing them or hitting them, be careful because if they catch you they will take a life from you.
There is a global leaderboard where you can save your record and nickname when you finish the game.
Currently the game consists of 10 levels.
The controls of game are:
- (+ -): Zoom In / Zoom Out
- Hearth: Buy 2 lifes
- Timer: Buy 300 seconds
- Speaker: Sound On / Off
- Circular arrow: Exit/Return to menu
In the game, the objects are:
- Naya (yellow): 500 points and 20 seconds
- Naya (blue): 1 life and 20 seconds
- Coin: 50 points and 2 seconds
- Enemy: 100 points (danger 1 life)
Each level complete you will receive 1000xNumLevel points and 30xNumLevel seconds.
When you lose a level you can continue the game from that level, or from the main menu you can continue the game at its maximum progress. This option is paid and you will receive 600 seconds and 3 lives.